'ribbons.bas SmallBASIC Bpf 2015-04-16 B+ locate 5,90:? "Press and hold esc to quit" locate 7,90:? "press any other for next curtain" locate 9,90 while 1 for i=0 to 9 a = 122:b=rnd^2:c=rnd^2:d=rnd^2 for y=1 to 60: for x=1 to 600 cl=RGB(a+a*sin(b*x),a+a*sin(c*x),a+a*sin(d*x)) pset x,i*60+y,cl next x next y next i k=inkey:if asc(k)=27 then ? "esc detected, good bye":end pause 5 wend